Please take some time to look at the following resources before you join:
Obtain this book, look at the chapter headings and dip into the chapters that appeal. An informative and uplifting read: Hello World: Where Design Meets Life - Alice Rawsthorn
Check out the following motion pieces, which will give you some insight into how design issues can be visualised and discussed:
Procrastination: Johnny Kelly
Charles & Ray Eames: Powers of Ten
A Brief History of John Baldessari
Please look at the range of London-wide design events that make up the world-famous London Design Festival. Choose and book your attendance at events on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 September. Feel free to choose events that catch your eye (these do not have to be Graphics-related!) and be prepared to travel to each venue. Interact with exhibitors, collect freebies, take photos, and follow their accounts!
Don’t worry! There will be no follow-up test when you arrive – we are keen that you start to build an awareness of the exciting design contexts around you. An understanding of, and critical opinion on all these works, places and contexts will set you up well for your future on the course, and help you to get a sense of how we think about design, and how it transforms everyday life. Look forward to seeing you in person very soon!